Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week ending 26th September 2021

Here is this week’s news and catch reports from Luton Angling Club week ending 26th September 2021.

North House Lake 
Kyle Thompson Parkinson hammered his dad Paul by catching this 15lb 7oz Carp on North House last Sunday he was using fake sweet corn and 3 fake maggots. This looks like another of the stockies (9) that weighed 5lb 4oz a couple of years ago. We don't recall this one being reported yet so Kyle has asked us to name it "Kyle's Linear"
Brad William Evan-Hart is helping his young son William get into Carp fishing on North House Lake and on their 3rd overnight trip he caught his first carp - a lovely Mirror followed by his second which was a Common.
They had the two fish in the morning and both were caught on Korda constructed stiff hinge rigs with 9 inch booms with a size 6 Klor hook with Dna baits S7 pop ups fished with a few handfuls of freebies. A very happy father and son team!
Dean Brittain tried North House for the carp and after seeing three nice carp in his swim thought it might happen but it didn't. But thats carp fishing for you. He did send one of his lures out and had had this pike which beats a blank anytime!
Beckerings Reservoir
Craig Mahoney did a couple of nights up at Beckerings and had 6 fish, here’s the best of them - 2 Mirrors at 25lb 4oz and 23lb 9oz and 2 Commons at 19lb 3oz and 16lb 10oz
Robbie Sweet had a superb pristine looking Mirror at 06:30 in the morning.
Lavendon River Ouse
Lavendon Bailiff Roger fished the upstream section Thursday morning he got there at 8:30am and there was good cloud cover and a nice breeze putting a chop on the water. He started fishing at 8:45am and by 10:00am these 5 fish were in the net, all on lobworm. The cloud then cleared, the sun shone bright and the fish stopped feeding. He got Bob the other bailiff to come over to take a photo of the largest bream which went 6lb 11oz. Had the cloud cover remained he is sure he would have had a good netful.
Biddenham River Ouse
On Sunday the Work party team were at Bidddenham raking some of the small lilies that were in front of some of the pegs in readiness for the John Morris memorial match next week (3/10/21). After the work was complete the barbecue was fired up and Burgers, Bacon, Sausages and Black Pudding was enjoyed by the volunteers. Thanks to Fergal O'Kane, Dennis Vivian, David Murdoch, Barry Stevenson, Roger Bland, Bob Burdiak and Des Saunders. Following the work party David, Fergal and Dennis stayed and fished the far end past the second bridge and had a number of Perch, Roach, Small chublets and Gudgeon.

Wednesday Match Group
With several of the regular Wednesday attendees still in Shropshire after the CRT Celebration weekend and others having prior engagements the 3 members that attended at Eaton Ford on Wednesday didn’t fish a match but instead opted for a day’s pleasure fishing on the river instead.
Weights were good with Steve Lathwell taking 9lb 4ozs of Roach and Perch, Colin Macbeth taking 5lb 4ozs and Ray Burton weighing in 1lb 8oz.
All report they had an excellent day out at a super venue.
This Wednesday they will fish Beckerings and this will be a members only match.

John Morris Memorial Match - Biddenham 3/10/21
On Sunday 3rd October we will be holding a match in memory of John Morris our former club secretary who passed away in early 2020. This is to be held at John's favourite Luton AC river section at Biddenham.

There is a £10.00 entry fee which goes to the charity(Groundwork) that John supported, £5.00 optional pools draw at 09:00hrs, fish 10:30 - 15:30hrs, using peg 6 up. Standard Luton match rules apply, Pike don't count.

That's all for this week.

Tight Lines

Dave M
Luton Angling Club.

Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week ending 19th September 2021

Here is this week’s news and catch reports from Luton Angling Club week ending 19th September 2021. A slight slowdown in catch reports this week so please do keep sending in all your catch reports and pictures.

South Lagoon Wyboston
**ANOTHER CLUB RECORD** Following Ethan Griffiths beating the club record for carp last week this week but Wojciech has beaten the club record for Tench with a specimen weighing in at an impressive 8lb 10oz. That’s 2 records in the space of a few days and both from South Lagoon!
River Ouse - Eaton Ford
Dean Brittain fished with his partner Stacey at Eaton ford last week and had lots of dace a few chub, perch and even a pike on pop up boilies during the day and then these two bream at night on 12mm pineapple pop up boilies.

The National Celebration of Young People Fishing - Canal and River Trust
Young Hugo was one of the youngest competitors in the Cadet category at the celebration in Shropshire. Fishing for Luton at the age of just 7 and also fishing his first ever big match he came 33rd on Peg 9 weighing in 780 grams. He unfortunately lost a bigger bream that which had he had landed would have almost certainly got him a top 15 finish. He qualifies for a GUGGS (Grand Union Gobio Gobio Society) mug for the gudgeon and a perch bag and a number of other prizes. He put in a storming performance and is just made up about his achievement. We are proud to have had him represent us. We also hear he cannot wait until next year.
Luton AC Predator Match 2021
The Club along with the Wyboston Bailiffs are looking to organise a predator match for members and day tickets anglers for South lagoon and if enough people are interested over spill onto the river as well it will likely be on Saturday 30th of October

For Club Members the Entry fee will be £10 of £5 will go Charity and the other £5 to the winner's pot with a 1st 2nd & 3rd cash prize. Day ticket anglers will also need to pay the £8 for a day ticket as well as the £10 entry fee. If you are interested in entering please contact us or Brian Turner the club bailiff to register your interest and we will contact you when the final arrangements have been made.

Match Report Grand Union Canal - Three Locks 15.9.2021
On a day that started a little overcast and developed into a truly beautiful autumn day, it was pleasing to see old friends and first timers among the 11 anglers that met at Three Locks.
It was especially nice to welcome Eddie Allen who came to join us for the first time in many years.
With little wind and pleasant temperatures with the canal having nice colour we hoped for a good day. The crab apples from the trees at the back of the towpath were falling off the trees making occasional loud splashes in the water as we walked to the pegs. It was pleasing to see a large quantity of this year’s fry in the Canal, but the constant scattering of the fry shoals showed they were being heavily attacked by the resident Perch.
There were several boats and locking movements as is expected in holiday season and some heavy towpath traffic at times during the day.
It turned out to be a day that started brightly for most while the overcast persisted, but the fishing seemed to slow later as the sun came out, and for some the bream were to prove elusive, although numbers of big Perch to nearly 2lbs were taken in the catches.
Most methods were tried, Pole Tip, and Waggler were fished, and most baits were tried, the most successful being pinkies and worm, although bread, caster and big maggot all took fish.
Chris Howard and Jim Tookey who had the end pegs took most Bream today, Perch coming out all along the length.
A lovely day in the autumn sunshine in great company.
1st Chris Howard
11lb 5oz

2nd Jim Tookey
9lb 0oz 8drms

3rd Richard Gibbs
6lb 12oz

4th Dudley Frankland
6lb 6oz

5th Eddie Allen
5lb 6oz

6th Dennis Hunt
3lb 5oz

7th Tim Watts
3lb 2oz

8th Colin Macbeth
2lb 6oz

9th Ray Burton
Next week Steve Lathwell will run the match and we will fish Eaton Ford, which is a members only venue.
Meet for 9am Draw fish 10.30 to 3.30, £5.00 optional pools.

Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week ending 12th September 2021

Here is this weeks news and catch reports from Luton Angling Club week ending 12th September 2021.

South Lagoon - Wyboston
There have always been rumours of a "40" lurking in South Lagoon at Wyboston. This week we can report that this has been confirmed by Ethan Griffiths following his capture of a Leather Carp weighing a whopping 41lb 2oz on Friday Night. This is a new club record weight should Ethan decide to claim it.

Wyboston bailiff Brian Turner did a 48hr session on the lagoon and he had a lovely 13lb Pike, lost a decent sized Carp and also caught Bream to 5lb along with plenty of Silvers. All in all a great 48hr session.

North House Lake
Peter Dobson caught 3 Common Carp from North House overnight on Wed 8th Sep one at 12lb, another 22lb 7oz and the largest 28lb (pictured).

Beckerings Reservoir
Kieran Cove had a Superb Roach reporting the weight at 2lb 7oz he also had three carp all just over the 20lb mark.
Craig Mahoney had 2 stunning Commons 20lb 5oz and 16lb 4oz he also lost another two fish.
Neil Cox arrived at Beckerings late Thursday night and left this morning. He landed 4 and lost one in the weed. Some cracking fish the biggest being a common last night at 26lb 13oz. All taken in holes in the weed.
Ian Inness had an 18lb common from a 2 hour surface fishing session at Beckerings taken on a washed out pink popup.
Peter Wells caught a lovely 24lb 12oz Mirror  at 6:30 Sunday morning he also had 4 nice bream all around 7-9lb.
Eaton Ford - River Ouse
Stacey Marie Collins fished Eaton Ford overnight and had a chunky perch weighing 2lb 8oz and also a Daddy Ruffe.

Lavendon Mill - River Ouse
Dennis Vivian and Fergal O'Kane fished the downstream section on Sunday and the River had a bit of flow and was nicely coloured. The flow did drop during the day.They had a good number of fish between them.Roach using float fished Hemp and Tare along with Chublets, Dace and even a Minnow on Maggot.

AT Division Two Championship - Luton Coach Myles Tommy comes individual 9th.
On Saturday 11th September 400 anglers took part in the AT Division 2 Championship match held on the mighty Gloucester Canal, the Canal that runs alongside the River Severn from Sharpness to Gloucester docks.
When built 200 years ago it was the largest Canal in Europe. The Canal is truly awesome at 25 metres or more across and 16 feet deep. The picture of a ship that passed during the match gives an impression of the size of vessel that use the waterway, bit bigger than on the GUC!
Myles was part of the CRT Yellow coaching team with the ten members drawn from Coaches from Clubs in Luton, Reading, Milton Keynes and Northampton. We had two ladies in the squad again this year. Overall the Team came 33rd out of 40.
Myles drew peg 1 on G section at Splatt Bridge, and he hoped that G1 would mean a short walk, but found the section was pegged highest number at the bridge so he was in for a long walk to his peg! When he started, he found bream on the 11-metre pole line.
Using a 2 Gram float and a size 16 hook baited with corn and red maggot he took 15 bream to make his weight. At the end Myles weighed in 15Kilos 750 Grams. He lost another two fish and commented they don’t half fight on a pole!
The picture is of one of his fish in the net. Holding the Pole got more difficult as the match progressed and the wind picked up, the canal is famed for being a large wind tunnel being almost straight.
Very well done Myles a great performance and very good angling, a credit to the Club.

Wednesday Match Report 8th Spetember 2021
With regular match organiser Dennis preparing for the Division 2 National on Saturday, it was up to Richard Gibbs to run the match on the Ouse at Wyboston and submit the report.
Although meteorological autumn, the weathermen promised a hot day, and it did turn out to be, with temperatures approaching 30 degrees so most of the 10 anglers were grateful for some dappled shade among the trees.
The river had a slight tinge of colour with a slow steady flow midstream. The gusting strong wind made float presentation very difficult and changed direction many times during the day.
We welcomed three newcomers to the midweek outing with two of them ending up in the the top three places!
The expected roach on hemp and tare failed to show and it was an all Perch net that made up the top weight which was taken by newcomer Dave Edwards who was float fishing maggot and worm for 5 - 7- 0 with some individual fish over a pound.
Second place went to Richard Gibbs with a net of a few Roach and Perch but with only an hour to go he managed to put over 50 Bleak in the net for 4 - 8 - 0
In third place was newcomer Colin Macbeth with mostly Perch and a few Roach for 2 - 14 - 0.
Next weeks match will see a return to the Canal at Three Locks, Stoke Hammond.
Richard would like to thank Colin Macbeth and Dave Britton for assisting with the weigh in.
1. Dave Edwards
5 - 7 - 0
2 Richard Gibbs
4 - 8 - 0
3. Colin Macbeth
2 -14 -0
4. Chris Howard
2 - 7 - 0
5. Neville Hunt
1 - 8 - 0

That's all for this week

Tight Lines - Dave M
Luton AC

Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week ending 5th September 2021

Here is this weeks news and catch reports from Luton Angling Club.

River Ouse 
Tomasz Pawlik caught a lovely 97cm long pike weighing in at 13lb 1oz while lure fishing on one of our River Great Ouse sections 
Eaton Ford 
Dean Brittain had a great day fishing the river at Eaton Ford with his 7 year old daughter Lilly. He said it was a lovely spot to fish and he will definitely be back there lots of big Dace , Perch and Roach and a Jack Pike on double red maggot. Lilly also lost a very big roach in the margins they also had a nice picnic and a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Beckerings Reservoir 
Carlo Borromeo had a great night on Beckerings arriving after work he got the Rods out quick sharp as the fish were clearly in front of him. He had a Cat at 33lb and is a fish known as “Freddy”.
He lost a fish at 5am and managed another one a couple of hours later, a 23.2lb Common.

Neil Cox caught a beautiful Mirror just under 16lb and another immaculate common at just over 24lb with madbaits doing the business.

Grand Union Canal and Wyboston River Ouse.
One of the club bailiffs sent us a report on some of his recent fishing trips on the Canal he has been fishing the waggler across in 2-3 feet of water.
It is such easy fishing and he says he is amazed that other people just dont seem to be doing it.

On the rivers he has been float fishing down the middle with a 4 gram float and loose feeding hemp and wheat.

So many fish to catch. But as with most venues it's a slow first hour, then 3 hours of catching then a slow 5th hour as you run out of fish or scare the others off.

He had 10lb 7oz at Wyboston last week they were all Roach taken on wheat"

Wednesday Match Report 1st September 2021
Wednesday, officially the first day of Autumn, dawned grey and slight murky, with drizzle in the air and a distinctly chilly early autumn feel, the air temperature struggling to make 14C.  The day remained grey with darkening sky and occasional sun, threatening rain at times, although warming slightly as the day wore on. 

Those at Braggenham Side thought this might be good breaming weather, so were looking forward to bagging up during their day on the cut. 

As was to be expected during holiday season there were a few boats through during the day, all generally sticking to the rules of slow and down the middle. The ten anglers present wished Steve Lathwell a ‘Happy Birthday’ and walked off to select swims with high hopes of a good day on the cards.

The day proved good for some, especially Steve who celebrated his birthday in style, the Bream rejecting his float fished worm which he had specially selected in favour of pinkies, and he managed to put a few in the net! 

Dudley Frankland had the opposite experience only getting bites on his tip rod to worm. 

Ray Burton was delighted taking his best bag to date fishing a waggler to weigh 8lb 3oz of bream and bits to frame and take some coin,  very well done to Ray, who only really started fishing earlier this year. Most anglers took decent weights with Dennis Hunt taking a decent Perch of 1lb 14oz on caster over.!

All present enjoyed the day with some decent nets of fish, and good banter among the anglers. 

Chris Howard got camera shy and hid behind the scales.

1st Steve Lathwell 
12lb 11oz

2nd Dudley Frankland 
8lb 11oz

3rd Ray Burton 
8lb 3oz

4th Colin Holmes 
7lb 4oz

5th Chris Howard 
6lb 2oz

6th Jim Tookey 
4lb 13oz

7th Barry Roper 
3lb 11oz

8th Bart Bonito 
3lb 4 oz

9th Dennis Hunt 
3lb 0oz

10th Roger Baker 
1lb 7oz

This week we will fish the River at Wyboston meet behind North House for 9 am walk off draw fish 10.30 to 3.30. £5.00 optional pools, non-members are welcome to fish with us on this occasion as it’s a day ticket venue.

Thats about all for this week.

Tight Lines - Dave M
Luton AC