Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 28th July 2024

Here is this week's news, information and catch reports from Luton Angling Club for the week ending 28th July 2024.

Lavendon Mill - Upstream
Colin Crane heard there'd been a lot of Roach caught at Lavendon upstream recently, so decided to give it a go. It took a while to get them feeding, but once they did it was non stop action. He fished a waggler float with pellet as bait. Using a clicker to count his catch as he fished, he almost packed up when he'd caught 70. But he decided to go for 100 and a couple of hours later, hit his target, with an estimated 20 lbs in his net, plus a couple of skimmers that weren't counted. A highly enjoyable session.
Colin Crane - Lavendon Mill
Colin Crane - Lavendon Mill
North House Lake
Phil Down had 7 fish to 22lbs, including one really old mirror, a great 24-hour session.
Phil Down - North House Lake
Phil Down - North House Lake
Phil Down - North House Lake
Phil Down - North House Lake
Franky Western had one of the old and chunky warrior Bream which weighed in at 11lb 3oz. A potential new club record if claimed correctly.
Franky Western - North House Bream
Beckerings Reservoir
Jak Barr had a quick evening session on Friday after work.The first hour nothing showed so he went looking for the fish, the last 2 hours produced these 3 carp on a trimmed down pop up on the surface, the largest being the common just shy of 20lb.
Jak Barr - Beckerings
Jak Barr - Beckerings
Jak Barr - Beckerings
Jason Mash had another beautiful common, It was caught in the pouring rain, luckily the rain stopped just in time for the pictures. He also had another run and knew he was into one of the cats, which he unfortunately lost.
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Carlo had a great session on Friday night. He caught 7 carp amongst numerous bream. This was the best carp of the bunch.
Carlo - Beckerings
Liam Murphy had a red letter session on Saturday night with 18 bites and 14 fish landed, all on a krill wafter biggest fish was a 25lb common. Here are pictures of a few of them
Liam Murphy - Beckerings
Liam Murphy - Beckerings
Liam Murphy - Beckerings
Liam Murphy - Beckerings
Liam Murphy - Beckerings
Its Called Fishing - Not Catching!
Mark North went to the Barnet water share venue - on the River Thames at Sonning after the roach, he got there at 6am fished on hemp and tares but sadly had not had a bite by 10 am, so packed up (that's fishing for you)
He said It's a really lovely venue and well worth a visit with a nice car park not too far of a walk to the swims.
He is not put off and will definitely be back as a local chap said the Roach are definitely there!

We appreciate all catch reports good or bad. Your catch reports help us know which of our venues are being used and greatly assist us with managing venue improvements and stocking.
The Thames at Sonning
The Thames at Sonning
LAC Sunday Series - Match Report
The fourth round of the LAC Sunday Series was held at Braggenham Side on the Grand Union Canal.
16 anglers (including one Junior) turned out for the match, which was pegged from Dolphin Bridge up to Stoke Hammond Lock.
The winner was Tim Watts. Drawing noted peg 1 on the reeds as you approach Stoke Hammond lock, Tim struggled to catch in the first half of the match but that soon improved and he caught 5 bream and a number of decent skimmers for 16lb 3ozs 8drms. All Tim's fish were caught at 13m fishing a mix of maggot, worm & pinkies over groundbait.
In second place was Liam Willis with 7lb 9ozs 12 drms. Drawing peg 3, Liam fish at 14.5m with red maggot over groundbait to catch a couple of small skimmers and 2 bream. A switch to chopped worm on the same line at the halfway stage produced a large perch but then the bites died off. But Liam's weight was enough to take the runners up spot.
Chris Howard on peg 10 before the swing bridge came 3rd. Chris had the fastest bite of the day when he cast out his feeder with worm hookbait and caught a decent bream within 30 seconds of the all in. That was followed by a small skimmer the next cast and soon another large bream hit the net with his third cast.
Unfortunately, the bites soon became hard to come by and a few small fish were the result of the next few hours. But his weight of 6lb 4 ozs was more than enough to finish third.
The next Sunday Series match is Sunday 18th August on the River Ouse at Eaton Ford. Meet at the venue for the draw at 8.30am am. £1.00 peg fee and £5.00 optional pools, fish 10am till 3pm. The pegs are limited so please book early. Also, as the pegs are limited, please only book if you are certain you will attend.
For anyone thinking of joining the Series, there are 8 rounds with the best 5 results counting. So, with 4 rounds to go, it is still all to fish for. The matches are open to club members and if you are joining us for the first time can we ask that you message us so we know you are coming before turning up.

You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.

LAC Sunday series
LAC Sunday series
LAC Sunday series
LAC Sunday series
Wednesday Match Report 24th July 2024 Three Locks (Lower)
We met in the car park at Three Locks on a warm sunny morning, the day starting with a clear sky and sun, then going overcast with a rain shower or two, so all the seasons in one day again.
The canal was holding good colour, but the fishing proved to be challenging. We split the match into two sections missing out the double bend as swims here are often wiped out by boats, and there were plenty of boats moving around due to the Leighton Buzzard Canal Festival at the weekend.
It was great to see one of our promising Luton Junior anglers joining us on Wednesday for the first time.
Simon Foulkes, who took first place pegged on the boats and fished 2 lines both at 11.5m. One was straight in front, and one was to the left at the base of the far shelf. This straight line was the only line to produce, but after 3 hours with only a pound in the net Simon made a decision to try something different, so he put on another pole section and fished 13m at 12 o'clock feeding 2 balls of groundbait laced with dead pinkies and micros around 18 inches either side, letting the constant flow drift the bait pinkie between the 2 balls of ground bait. This resulted in 2 big skimmers a decent perch and a few smaller perch, enabling Simon to weigh 6lb 12oz
Tim Watts took second, pegged on the straight past the bend initially though knowing he would need between 10-15 lb to win, he changed his mind and tactics when it became apparent the canal wasn’t fishing well, and resorted to old white pinkie and double squatt on hook as bait. The very old pinkie deliberately shrunk to size of big squatt, got him a run of 2-8oz Skimmers. He had the best one and bonus Perch late on for 5lb 14oz.
Barry Roper, who took third, found the first part of the match was a struggle with just a few small fish. In the last 90 minutes, he suddenly started to get skimmers on pinkie at 13metres. Then with an hour to go, he caught a decent bream, putting 4lb 6oz on the scales.
Special mention must be made of our Junior Jack O’Brien, who ended in a very creditable 6th place beating many more experienced anglers with 2lb 6oz on a difficult day. Well done Jack.
Thanks as usual, go to all those who assisted with the draw, pegging and weighing in.

1st Simon Foulkes 6lb 12oz
2nd Tim Watts 5lb 14oz
3rd Barry Roper 4lb 6oz
4th Richard Darbon 3lb 15oz
5th Les Burton 2lb 9oz
6th Jack O’Brien (Junior) 2lb 6oz
7th Sean Leatherland 2lb 2oz
8th Syd Wilson 2lb 1oz
9th Dave Ridley 1lb 12oz
10th Dennis Hunt 1lb 7oz
11th Ray Burton 1lb 2oz
12th Roger Baker 0lb 6oz
Terry Vickers DNW
Our next Match is on Wednesday 31st July and is at Barnwell Plantation on the Nene courtesy of Wellingborough A/C. Draw 8.30 at the venue, £5-00 optional pools £1.00 Wednesday peg fee, fish 10am till 3pm.
For anyone thinking of joining us for the first time can we ask you message us so we know you are coming before turning up, as we need to ensure we have room as this will allow us to better manage the pegging.
You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.
Wednesday Match
Wednesday Match
A day on the River with Bob Nudd.
Lavendon Bailiff Roger Bland and his mate Andy Pierson had a fantastic day out with Bob Nudd recently on the River Great Ouse at Denver Sluice near Kings Lynn. Roger said that Bob was such a friendly guy, was very informative and had all the time in the world for them.

In fact, when Andy and Roger said they were packing up at 4pm, Bob attempted to get them to fish on for longer! They are going to go out with him again sometime soon, and Roger hopes that Bob will come over and give our Lavendon stretch a go at some point.
Roger Bland & Andy Pierson with Bob Nudd
Roger with a Perch

If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered into our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports.

Tight Lines Until Next Week!

Dave M
Luton AC

Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 21st July 2024

Here is this week's news, information and catch reports from Luton Angling Club for the week ending 21st July 2024.

Beckerings Reservoir
Steve Emery fished a day session and he had one of the cats at 50lbs 4oz, a lovely mirror at 20lb and a pristine common at 21lbs 13oz.
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
A late afternoon into the evening trip to beckerings produced 4 Bream and an 18lb common for Grayson White they were all caught on a zig fished mid water.
Grayson White - Beckerings
Grayson White - Beckerings
Grayson White - Beckerings
Grayson White - Beckerings
Ben Waymont had a nice Beckerings Common, just under 20lb
Ben Waymont - Beckerings
River Ouse at Chellington (Harrold)
Mark North fished the deeps section of WDNAC's Chellington,Harrold stretch that Luton Angling Club members have access to he used a 4 m whip and waggler .bait was Hemp Corn and Wheat. The river had a nice flow and colour. He ended up with 14lb, mostly roach, and the odd skimmer dace and chub.
Mark North - Chellington
Mark North - Chellington
Mark North - Chellington
Grand Union Canal
Steve Lathwell had a good few hours on the canal with the Mrs he had 8lb 6oz of roach, skimmers, hybrids and perch then it got too hot so he packed up and went home for a beer.
Steve Lathwell - Grand Union Canal
Linslade Canal Festival 27/7/2024
Advanced notice of an upcoming event in Linslade and along the Grand Union Canal on Saturday 27thJuly. There will be an increased number of boats using the canal, and the towpaths are likely to be very busy.
Linslade Canal Festival

Wednesday Match Report
Wednesday's match saw the group return to the canal. With recent match results being difficult on certain canal sections, the Wednesday group switched the match to The Globe.
Thanks again to the committee for accommodating the change of venue and to the The Globe pub for allowing the anglers to use the car park and for being the perfect local for them to have a pint at the end.
With the exception of peg 1, the match weights were split between the first and second half of the draw with the latter being the better pegs to draw.
This week's winner was Sean Leatherland. Having drawn fancied Peg 1, Sean made no mistake. Starting at 3m and occasionally switching back to it, Sean caught around 50 small fish on squat over groundbait. Feeding a line at 11m with groundbait, caster and micropellets, Sean caught two large bream, some skimmers, nice roach and perch swapping between caster and red maggot to weigh in 11lb 14ozs 4drms.
Second was the inform Simon Foulker on Peg 12. Fishing 3 lines at 10m, 13m and 14.5m, Simon found all his mainly skimmers catch at 13m fishing pinkie over groundbait to weigh in 8lb 14ozs..
Syd Wilson showed his class taking 3rd place on Peg 10 with 7lbs 2ozs 12 drms. Fishing 2 lines at 11m and 13m with double dead red maggots before switching to small pieces of worm, Syd caught most of his mainly skimmer catch (including one around 1lb 8ozs) at 11m.
One of the biggest cheers of the day went to 4th placed Ray Burton on peg 18. Ray prefers to float fish with rod and reel and caught two decent bream 2/3rds the way over the canal feeding pinkie and fishing worm and maggot. He backed this up with some small fish close in to end the match with 6lb 7ozs 8 drms.
Wednesday Match
Wednesday Match
Wednesday Match
Luton Coaching activity update
Last Saturday Luton hosted the CRT Regional heat at Three Locks on the GUC. These matches are designed as a fun practice opportunity for those going to the CRT Celebration held in September.
We had 9 young anglers including two of our very new Cadet anglers, Alex and Anthony Fishing, Anthony who was fishing his first match thoroughly enjoyed the day and did extremely well.
Anthony was supported by Adrian Smith one of our senior coaches and his mum made a video of his day from the draw to the prize presentation which she kindly shared with us se the link below
The Canal fished very evenly along the match length; weights were not high but all who fished enjoyed the day. Our anglers did very well, Cody coming first in the Juniors with Jack second and Dylan third.
We would like to thank our friends at Spotted Fin in St Albans for their very generous donation of goodies for the prizes and CRT for supplying the trophies.
Anthony 2lb 2oz
Alex 1lb 14oz
Cody 2lb 13oz
Jack 2lb 4oz
Dylan 1lb 11oz
This Saturday 20th we held a successful coaching session at South Lagoon where we introduced several of our Kingfishers to feeder fishing, a new method for many.
We demonstrated some setups they can use, gave some casting instruction and then practiced casting until they were all confident in casting a loaded feeder rig. By the end of the session most were able to cast well and could fill the feeder and position the rod correctly after tightening up, all spotted bites, and some even managed to bag some fish!
With the school summer holidays starting this week our coaches are going to be busy running two ‘Lets fish’ taster sessions a week, on Tuesdays around Leighton Buzzard, and on Thursdays around Berkhamsted. This is regarded as the first step and if there is further interest many enter our coaching program. Slots are selling fast (there is a small charge this year) but spaces are still available to book.
If you know anyone of whatever age who wants to give fishing a try why don’t you encourage them book on via CRT Eventbrite and look for Local events run by Luton AC.
CRT Regional Heat
CRT Regional Heat

If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered in to our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports. Tight Lines Until Next Week!   Dave M Luton AC

Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 14th July 2024

Here is this week’s news, catch reports and information round up from Luton Angling Club for the week ending 14th July 2024.

Lavendon Mill
Bob Burdiak fished Lavendon upstream yesterday morning, he found the river with a good hint of colour, with slow flow unlike the opening morning on 16th June when it was rather clear.
With a north breeze behind him fishing before the bend, he set up with an Avon type stick float set tripping the bottom in 11’ of water. As he set up fish were topping which was a good sign.
He only fed a pinch of seed sparingly and started catching after 20 minutes taking perfect roach for the next 4 hours taking easily 10lbs. A change of bait to double red maggot took 4 good roach on the trot before the Bleak came along despite the fact he fed no maggots.
A most enjoyable morning and peaceful as no one else was about. Picture below is an example of the stamp of the fish he caught - The 2nd picture of fish is his catch from 1the opening morning on the 16th June
Bob Burdiak - Lavendon Mill
Bob Burdiak - Lavendon Mill 16th June

Beckerings Reservoir
Jason Mash fished the reservoir on Friday and had 5 carp, he sent in pictures of some of them.
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Jason Mash - Beckerings
The work party team were at Beckerings on Saturday and carried out some essential maintenance and repairs. It was a good turnout, the best attendance we have had for a few years with 18 volunteers. It was nice to see some new faces joining us. We want to say a massive thank you to those who came to help.

We sorted the erosion out at the back of some of the platforms, and as a result, a couple of the platforms have now been enlarged.

Some tree pollarding was also carried out and undergrowth trimmed back beside the platforms. There are still a few platforms that require attention, and we'll arrange another date soon.

Thanks to Dave Murdoch, Fergal O’Kane, Dave Nicholson, Roger Bland, Mark Sessions, Colin Holmes, Barry Stevenson, Rob Dunthorne, Alex Chrzaszcz, Vasile Ungureanu, Nebojsa Gal, Graham Else, David Willis, Nick Lynch, Damon Smith, Jason Lapworth, Dennis Vivian, Steve Emery and Andy Murphy - we hope we haven't missed anyone out!
 Beckerings Work Party
 Beckerings Work Party
 Beckerings Work Party
 Beckerings Work Party
 Beckerings Work Party
 Beckerings Work Party
Following helping out on the very productive work party, Steve Emery had a productive night on the reservoir with 11 carp landed and he lost another one, weights were from 18lbs to 22lb 11oz and he also had a couple of bream.
 Beckerings - Steve Emery
Beckerings - Steve Emery
Beckerings - Steve Emery
Beckerings - Steve Emery
Biddenham River Ouse
Nobby Clarke had a few hours over at Biddenham on Tuesday and managed a few good roach , he fished hemp & tare and used a 4 mtr & 8 mtr whip, 2lb main line & 1.7lb hook length ,he fished the deep swims.
He lost a chub of about 3lb early on in the session at about 10am. He thoroughly enjoyed the session and said it was the best he's had so far this season.
Nobby Clarke - Biddenham
Nobby Clarke - Biddenham
Match report from Wednesday 10th July
This weeks Wednesday match saw the first foray on the river for 2024. The venue was the River Great Ouse at Eaton Ford.
A lovely stretch of water that is fantastically managed by the club bailiffs, one of whom was on hand at the draw to assist any angler with bank clearance if required.
Water temperature was measured at 17.5 degrees C but heavy rain the previous few days had resulted in the river carrying extra water and with a strong downstream wind conditions were going to make fishing tricky. And so it proved with low weight throughout.
Winner on the day was Keith Ward, who not only wins the prize for the longest drive but also weigh in 2lb 10ozs 8 drms from peg 9 to win the match. Keith fished groundbait feeder with red maggot or worm and then a maggot feeder for the last 2 hours of the match to catch a mixed bag.
Second was the in form Myles Tommey on Peg 5 who also caught most of his fish on the quivertip. Myles weighed 2lb 9pzs of Road, Rudd, Gudgeon, Dace, Perch and small skimmers.
Third on Peg 18 was Barry Roper who caught a mixed bag of mainly roach on the pole fishing maggot to weigh 2lb 0zs 4 drms.
Special mention should go to Tony Hickmott who caught a barbel of about 8ozs on maggot.
All agreed it was great to be able to fish on the river again and look forward to the next match.
The next Wednesday match is 17th July when the match group fish the Grand Union Canal at Slapton.
Meet at the venue for the draw at 8.30am. £1.00 peg fee and £5.00 optional pools, fish 10am till 3pm.
For anyone thinking of joining in with the friendly matches, they are open to club members and if you are joining us for the first time can we ask that you message us so we know you are coming before turning up.
You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you and you are very welcome.

Match Report Wednesday 3rd July Lakeside Cublington
On 3rd July the Wendesday group fished the bottom lake at Lakeside Farm Cublington.
The weather was very mixed in the previous few days, but Wednesday started cool but fine but as we started fishing the drizzle and the wind got up, making conditions for some at the top end of the lake with the wind blowing directly at them quite unpleasant.
The weights this week on a normally very productive venue were disappointingly low.
Adrian Smith caught his bag on worm and double maggots fished over chopped worm, caster, maggot and pellet mix.
He took most fish on his pole at fish at 7m but the Ide in his catch was caught by the nearside tree.
Simon Foukes fished 2 lines, one down the edge to his left and the other at 13Mtrs straight in front. Both lines were fed with small pots of micro pellets and pinkies, with 90% of the fish coming to the line away to his left and took single pinkies. Simon’s catch consisted of 15 small perch and a good bream.
Sean Leatherland Caught all his fish on a pole at 10 Mtrs. Sean fished over a bed of groundbait and caster to take a Tench of 3lb, with the rest of his catch made up of small roach and Perch.
Several anglers hooked and lost bigger fish during the day, but unfortunately those don’t count!
1st Adrian Smith 5lb 13oz
2nd Simon Foukes 4lb 15oz
3rd Sean Leatherland 4lb 11oz
4th Dudley Frankland 3lb 6oz
5th Richard Gibbs 3lb 3oz
6th Malcolm Ogden 1lb 8oz
7th Chris Howard 1lb 7oz
8th Steve Lathwell 0lb 4oz
9th Dennis Hunt 0lb 2oz
DNW Ray Burton & Terry Vickers