Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Bank Holiday edition 26th August 2024

Here is this week’s news, catch reports and information round up from Luton Angling Club.

This bank holiday weekend has been another fantastic one for the Luton Kingfishers. Leo fished the CRT Regional match on the Canal at Solihull and continued his winning streak taking first in the Cadet Category. Leo, despite some very heavy rain managed to fish for 3 hours and managed to weigh in a creditable 1Kilo 600grams consisting of some decent Perch and an Eel. His Mum sent us a picture of Leo’s trophies, they are stacking up now and he can’t wait to fish the CRT Celebration match in a few weeks.
Some of our other Juniors had a great day at How End on Saturday afternoon and despite the heavy rain all really enjoyed themselves catching plenty of fish. Alex is pictured with his Golden Tench and Daniel with one of many carp he caught.They also can’t wait to get to the CRT Celebration and represent Luton Angling Club soon.
Well done lads keep it up!
Leo wins again at Solihull.
Leo's growing collection of trophies
Daniel with a Carp from How End
Alex with a Golden Tench
Beckerings Reservoir
Steve Emery sent in a picture of a 28lbs 2oz mirror caught recently from Beckerings. He lost an even better one just 10 minutes earlier in the same session.
Steve Emery 28lb 2oz Mirror - Beckerings
Bailiff Rob had a decent session catching a 20lb mirror off the surface and a 19lb common off the bottom.
Rob - Beckerings 20lb Mirror
Rob - Beckerings 20lb Mirror
Rob - Beckerings 19lb Common
Rob - Beckerings 19lb Common
Amer Jawad had a decent afternoon on bank holiday Monday. On his first cast he had this lovely fully scaled mirror which went 17lb and he also had some bream. All were caught on the method feeder fished 40m out.
Amer Jawad - Beckerings
Amer Jawad - Beckerings
North House Lake
Harry Albone caught a 4lb Tench during a 24hr session.
Harry Albone - 4lb Tench from North House Lake
Lavendon Mill
Lavendon Bailiff Roger Bland has replaced a rotted out platform (6) on the upstream section at Lavendon this afternoon. A great job - Thanks Roger, Roger also reported that a Bream of about 9lb was cuaght by a member using Lobworm as well as the usual catches of mixed silver fish.
Lavendon Platform - After
Lavendon Platform - Before
Lavendon Platform - Before

Wednesday Match Report 21st August Wyboston
This week for a bit of fun we held a ’Drawn Pairs’ match at the Wyboston complex with anglers drawing for a partner and deciding which of the pair would fish the river and which the Lagoon.
We had 16 attending including two of our Kingfisher Juniors, who were able to attend as it was school holiday and really enjoyed the day. The weather had a definite autumnal feel, with a colder night and a daytime temperature just about making 20C, with an overcast and at times strong wind which made it feel quite chilly,
The winning pair D were Adrian Smith and Ash Bunnage, While Ash fished the lake with a feeder coming second on the section with 9lb 14oz Adrian fished the river.
Adrian started on worm and maggot over groundbait with a flat float and caught a couple of perch and a Gudgeon at 6m. He then changed to fish his hemp and wheat line for the rest of the match catching roach at 8m ending 1st with 6lb 11oz.
Second Pair C were Colin Holmes and Dennis Hunt. Colin fished the Lagoon using a feeder at around 30 metres to take first in the section with 14lb 2oz. Dennis fished the river using his whip at around 6 Metres using single red maggot as bait. Dennis’ had 80 odd small fish including some bigger Dace which was nice to see, ending 3rd in section with 4lb 7oz.
Third pairing G were Richard Gibbs and one of our Junior anglers Daniel Carr. While Daniel fished the Lagoon, taking 1lb 5oz, Richard Gibbs fished the river. Richard started off on stick float two rod lengths out in 7ft of water and fed hemp with maggot hookbait. He only had 5 small roach and a few bleak in the first hour.
After two hours he went out on the pole at 11 metres with maggot hookbait over bed of groundbait and took roach and small chub straight away, but this line dried as well so he then went bleak bashing with a 5m whip and had over 60 in just over an hour.
In the last hour he fed more groundbait at 10 metres and started getting some better roach, including a few net fish and caught steadily until the end of the match despite some trouble from Mr Pike! Richard ended second on the river with 5lb 4oz.
Perhaps the unluckiest angler of the day was Daniel who hooked a decent Tench just as the whistle blew, unfortunately it proved to be foul hooked and rolled off the hook before it was landed. Well done Daniel and better luck next time.
Many thanks to all who helped with the admin and weigh in, without the generous help and support running our weekly Wednesday matches would be very difficult.
1st Colin (Bream Maestro) 14lb 2oz C
2nd Ash Bunnage pair D 9lb 14oz D
3rd Sean Leatherland 2lb 12oz B
4th Paul Carr 1lb 12oz H
5th Daniel Carr (Jr) 1lb 5oz L
6th Dave Ridley 1lb 4oz E
7th Dylan Carr (Jr) 1lb 3oz G
8th Les Burton 0lb 15oz F
1st Adrian Smith 6lb 14oz D
2nd Richard Gibbs 5lb 4oz G
3rd Dennis Hunt 4lb 7oz C
4th Ray Burton 2lb 6oz E
5th Malcolm Ogden 1lb 14oz
6th Mark Smith 1lb 10oz
7th Tony Hickmott 1lb 4oz
8th Richard Darbon 1lb 2oz
Pairs Points
Pair D Adrian Smith & Ash Bunnage 15
Pair C Colin Holmes & Dennis Hunt 14
Pair G Daniel Carr & Richard Gibbs 11
Pair B Sean Leatherland & Malcolm Ogden 10
Pair E Dave Ridley & Ray Burton 8
Pair H Mark Smith & Paul Carr 8
Pair A Dylan Carr & Richard Darbon 3
Pair F Les Burton & Tony Hickmott 3
Our next Match is on Wednesday 28th August and is at Twinlakes and all pegs for this are now reserved Draw 8.30 at the venue, £5-00 optional pools £1.00 Wednesday peg fee £10 fishery peg fee, fish 10am till 3pm.
For anyone thinking of joining us for the first time can we ask you message us so we know you are coming before turning up, as we need to ensure we have room as this will allow us to better manage the pegging.
You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.
Ash Bunnage
Colin Holmes
LAC Sunday Series - Round 5 - Eaton Ford
Last sunday staged the fifth round of the LAC Sunday Series on the River Ouse at Eaton Ford.
This is an excellent venue for the club, and Stewart, the head bailiff and his team, do an amazing job.
12 anglers attended the match on a warm and sunny day.
This week's winner was Liam Willis. Drawn on peg 16, Liam fished two lines at 6m and 13m. He balled in groundbait on both lines at the start and loose fed hemp. Swapping between maggot, worm, and caster hookbaits, Liam caught a mixed bag of fish, including a chub of about 1.5 lbs and a nice skimmer for a total weight of 7 lbs.
In second place was Dave Smith. Having drawn peg 11, Dave fished a stick float at 4m and 6m and fed using a bait dropper. His maggot hookbait accounted for over 80 fish for 3 lbs 5 ozs.
Third place went to Myles Tommey on peg 7. Myles weighed in 3 lbs 8 drms of small skimmer and roach caught on a pole line with maggot over groundbait before swapping to a shallow waggler rig for bleak and tiny chub.
Generally, the venue fished well for the conditions, and the weights outside the winner were close all round.
The next Sunday Series match is Sunday 22nd September on the River Ouse at Lavendon. Meet at the venue for the draw at 8.30am am. £1.00 peg fee and £5.00 optional pools, fish 10am till 3pm. The pegs are limited so please book early. Also, as the pegs are limited, please only book if you are certain you will attend.
For anyone thinking of joining the Series, there are 8 rounds with the best 5 results counting.
So, with 3 rounds to go, it is still all to fish for.
The matches are open to club members and if you are joining us for the first time can we ask that you message us so we know you are coming before turning up. You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.
Match Result - Round 5

Overall League Standing

If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered in to our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports.
Tight Lines Until Next Week!
Dave M
Luton AC

Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 18th August 2024

 Here is this weeks round up of catch reports,news and information from Luton Angling Club.

River Ouse - Wyboston
Callum a day ticket Angler had this lovely 7lb chub from the river at Wyboston Sunday morning. Bailiff Brian Turner witnessed the catch. Callum was over the moon as it was his PB chub.
Callum - Wyboston Chub
Callum - Wyboston Chub
Boot Pit - Slipe Lane
After a tough day fishing Boot pit at Slipe Lane, and after losing 3 fish in 1 hour, Stuart Wightman finally landed this 10lb 2oz common as he was packing up. He said by no means is it big, but a lovely looking fish and well worth the wait it was caught on a Krill wafter. He will be going back for another try soon.
Stuart Wightman - Boot Pit
Beckerings Reservoir
Nick Lynch caught a 62lb catfish 5 minutes after casting out. It was caught on Mamba Baits half Papi-Nut/Half Citrus pop-up with a fake corn topper. He also had 5 carp.
Nick Lynch - 62lb Catfish Beckerings
Nick Lynch - 62lb Catfish Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Nick Lynch - Beckerings
Ben Waymont had two carp from Beckerings the best being this upper double common.
Ben Waymont - Beckerings
Harry Albone had a 15.5lb Common and a 21lb mirror from Beckerings at the weekend.
Harry Albone - Beckerings
Liam Murphy caught this 27lb common from Beckerings last night. He also caught another small one, but then the fish moved to the other side of the lake
Liam Murphy - Beckerings
Jason Mash sent in a photo of the best one of the 4 fish he caught during a recent session, it was this cracking common.
Jason Mash - Beckerings
Andrew Elliman did 24 hours on Beckerings and caught a new PB, a 28lb 2oz Mirror Carp.
Andrew Elliman - Beckerings
Damon Smith sent in some pictures from a recent session at Beckerings.A 16-8 and a 20-5 common both taken on skerkro bait and end tackle to method tactics. He also had some nice bream and got smashed up by a big cat at the net.
Damon Smith - Beckerings
Damon Smith - Beckerings
South Lagoon - Wyboston
John Botfield fished on 13/8/24 on South Lagoon. He couldn’t sleep due to the heat so on a whim decided to not sleep, and fish on the feeder instead.

A conservative estimate of 250lb+ so as not to over estimate, of bream to 10lb lots of 7’s and 8’s and a single tench approaching 7lb. Fish were kept in multiple large keepnets and only for a few hours as fish care is paramount. All fish swam off immediately on release.

It was impossible in the hot weather to weigh and display and photograph all the fish without causing added stress to them so figures are estimated and fish were returned after a quick photo of the nets,  having fished commercial matches John has a good sense of the weights in each 

The fish were caught in the early hours of morning darkness, and fishing was unbelievable during the morning light from 6am-9am. A cracking session.
North House Lake - Wyboston 
Nebojsa Gal fished at the weekend and had an 11lb mirror and a 16lb common.
Nebojsa Gal - North House Lake
Nebojsa Gal - North House Lake
Luton Kingfishers - Cadet Leo’s progress
One of our very talented Luton Cadet Anglers, Leo, aged 8 has been very busy fishing as much as possible lately, and his Dad kindly sent us a great piece describing what’s been happening.

" thought I'd update the club and the coaches on Leo being a busy fisherman the last few months and he's been trying to fish as much as possible, and whenever I have been able to take him we have been out on the bank. Having loved the National Celebration of Young People and Fishing last year, he wanted to try and do more matches this year or if I just quote him "all of them."

After his success in winning the Cadets class at the Northampton CRT Regional match we had the opportunity to go to Blythe Water yesterday to fish in another CRT regional match and decided to make a little trip out of it. We left on Sunday morning to stop at Three Locks on the Grand Union Canal on the way.  We had a lovely afternoon on the bank at the Grand Union until the sun managed to pierce through the trees and it just got too hot for the both of us, and by 3pm we called it a day with a lovely net of Skimmers, Perch, Roach and Gudgeon. We then went to Solihull for our overnight stay with the match at Blyth on Monday.

The next day, saw a very tired Leo who even with the heat and humidity managed to pull through and enjoyed the day. He had 4 carp on the feeder in the first hour before a very much too close for comfort thunderstorm stopped the match for 30mins. 

He then decided to just fish with maggots and enjoy the Perch and Roach he was catching without being too bothered about the weight, as there were only 2 in his age group.

Nevertheless, he managed to pull a few more carp and some nice skimmers and some bigger bream in the last hour and ended up with a weight of 28lbs, taken in 3.5hours which we both couldn't believe. 

He would have actually ended up 3rd in the Junior Category (11 to 15 years old) with that weight.

We're super proud of him and glad I took him; he now wants to go back this weekend for the CRT Regional canal match at Solihull which will be his last match before this year National Celebration which he's very excited about"

Well done Leo and thanks to his dad Romain for sending us the update.
Leo's progress
Leo's progress
Leo's progress
Leo's progress
Leo's progress
Leo's progress
National Celebration of Young People and Fishing
The Shropshire Union Canal will host hundreds of young anglers of all abilities this September, all eager to showcase their fishing skills at the National Celebration of Young People and Fishing 

As the UK’s largest fishing event for young people, it’s a fantastic opportunity for anglers to enjoy friendly fun competition while creating lasting memories and friendships. 

With so many prizes and trophies to give out, along with the coveted Tackle Guru gudgeon mug, there's plenty of excitement and motivation for all participants.
CRT Celebration
CRT Celebration
CRT Celebration
Match Report 14th August Grand Union Canal - Bragenham Side
This week, we had 18 anglers fishing on a strange day following a couple of days with very high temperatures exceeding 30C. However, the temperature on Wednesday was much cooler, having fallen by 10C overnight, and it struggled to make 20C. It was a very funny day, muggy and overcast with extremely high humidity. The Canal looked good, but failed to produce, with many of the field struggling for bites, and swims that are normally regarded as ‘Bankers’ seemingly barren with the less favoured swims in many cases producing the weights.

Malcolm Ogden took top slot for a welcome change this week, apparently getting stick from his daughters when he arrived home and telling them he haf won as they suggested he must have been the only one fishing! 

Malcolm caught all his fish using a tip rod over, with all fish caught on red worm from his garden compost heap tipped with red maggot on a method feeder. Malcolm had a few nice bream and some smaller fish to finish with 7lb 3oz.

Second place was taken by Syd Wilson with 6lb 15oz. Syd fished his pole over groundbait between 11m & 13m, going to the longer line when the fish backed off the latter when they backed off. He was  topping up regularly with groundbait and caught on flouro pinkie and red worm.

Third slot was taken by Bart Bonito, who lost a very big fish early on in the match. Bart was fishing a pole over and weighed 5lb 8oz.

After this the weights started to tail away, on a day where weights were generally low.

Many thanks to all who helped with the Admin and weigh in.

1st  Malcolm Ogden  7lb3oz
2nd Syd Wilson  6lb 15oz
3rd Bart Bonito  5lb 8oz
4th Adrian Smith  5lb 2oz
5th Les Burton  4lb 8oz
6th Andy Frankum  3lb 2oz
7th Dave Ridley  2lb 12oz
8th Colin Holmes  1lb 14oz
9th Chris Howard  1lb 13oz
10th Dave Abbott  1lb 9oz
11th Richard Darbon  1lb 12oz
12th Sean Leatherland  0lb 12oz
13th Dennis Hunt  0lb 8oz
14th Terry Vickers  0lb 6oz
15th Simon Foulkes  0lb 3oz
16th Ray Burton  0lb 2oz
DNW, Colin Kidd & Tim Watts 

Our next Match is on Wednesday 21st August and is a drawn pairs match with one from each pair fishing South Lagoon and the other fishing the river.  Draw 8.30 at the front of South Lagoon, £5-00 optional pools £1.00 Wednesday peg fee, fish 10am till 3pm. 

For anyone thinking of joining us for the first time can we ask you message us so we know you are coming before turning up, as we need to ensure we have room as this will allow us to better manage the pegging. 

You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.
Wednesday Match - Bragenham Side
Wednesday Match - Bragenham Side

If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered into our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports.

Tight Lines Until Next Week!
Dave M
Luton AC