Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 19th May 2024

Here is the weekly catch reports, news and information round up from Luton Angling Club for the week ending Sunday 19th May 2024.

Grand Union Canal
Dave Nicholson had a challenging day on the Grand Union Canal on Friday due to the sunny conditions. He persevered and managed to catch 5 nice Bream all were caught on groundbait feeder with 3 red maggots on a size 14 hook.
Dave Nicholson - Grand Union Canal
Dave Nicholson - Grand Union Canal
Neville Hunt fished the cut on Sunday and had a decent net of Bream in a few hours. Lee Waring was targeting the Perch on Sunday and he reported being pestered by the Bream
Neville Hunt - Grand Union Canal

North House Lake
Gregg Taberner had a 24hr session on North House Lake and had one of the 2017 stockies. No exact weight as he left the scales at home but estimated in the mid twenties. Looking back at the pictures of the stocking, it looks like number 8 so it's doing really well.
Gregg Taberner - North House Lake - Stockie 8
Stockie 8 in 2017
Graham Crow reported via a facebook comment on the Wednesday match report, that he fished the lake on Thursday and despite the heavy rain which continued almost all of the day he had 5 beautiful Tench up to 7.4lb.

Beckerings Reservoir
Mark North did a 5 hour session and he had a good result all fish were caught using Hemp.
Mark North - Beckerings Reservoir
Brett Collins had a couple of Commons on an overnight session.
Brett Collins - Beckerings
Brett Collins - Beckerings
Bill Ridgway had a good day fishing, He had some nice Bream and a 10lb stockie on a size 14 hook and sweet corn.
Bill Ridgway - Beckerings
Bill Ridgway - Beckerings Stockie
Bill Ridgway - Beckerings Stockie
Bill Ridgway - Beckerings Bream
Ben Waymont had a mid double Common.
Ben Waymont - Beckerings
LAC Sunday Match Series - Round 2
The second match in the LAC Sunday Series was held on the South Lagoon on Sunday 12th May.
Due to some illness, the numbers attending were lower than expected for the match but 11 anglers arrived in good spirits for what they were hoping would be a day of skimmer and bream fishing.
With the lower numbers attending, the match group re-arranged the pegs to free up space on the lake in case pleasure anglers arrived who were unaware of the match taking place and therefore, due to our re-pegging would be able find some areas to fish.
Whilst no one is complaining about the recent change in our weather, with Sunday being the hottest day recorded so far this year, fishing was hard with anglers reporting spells where they could get bites and then longer spells waiting for any indications.
Winner this week was Myles Tommey who drew the favoured Peg 1. Myles made no mistakes and fished the feeder to catch 6 bream and a few smaller fish to weigh 16lb 9ozs and finish well clear of the field.
In second place was Pete Smith with 5lb. Pete drew match peg 9 and caught a decent bream, and a few skimmers and small fish on a groundbait feeder.
In form Liam Willis maintained his recent record to frame in matches by coming third with 4lb 4ozs. Laim caught mostly small skimmers, hybrids and some nice rudd using dead maggots and worm hookbaits over ground bait on the pole at 11m.

LAC Wednesday Match - North House Lake
This week's Wednesday match saw the anglers returning to the Wyboston fishing complex where the previous Sunday the match had been held on South Lagoon. This match was the first in many years to take place on North House Lake. There had been much anticipation across the club on what fish would be caught and in particular what silver fish might appear.
Once again, this is a fabulous fishery and thanks should go to Brian Turner, Barry Emery and the other venue bailiffs for the brilliant work they do to maintain the fishery to such a high standard.
14 anglers arrived at the draw and although a full range of match fishing tactics were deployed throughout the match, unfortunately, if the lake has any shoals of silver fish, they proved elusive to catch resulting in only 2 people catching fish on the day, although other anglers reported hooking and losing carp.
Winner on the day was Adrian Smith on peg 11. Adrian had a day to remember as his 3 fish were all new personal bests in a total weight of 21lb 2ozs 8 drms. Adrian fished the pole at 9m where he had fed a large mixed pot of chopped worm, caster, maggots and pellets. His first fish was a carp of 9lb 12ozs 8drms which was followed by an eel of 5lb 1os 8 drm and a tench of 6lb 4ozs 8drms. All fish were caught on double red maggot.
Second place went Steve Lathwell with 18lb 2ozs. Steve employed similar pole tactics and caught a 7lb 14 ozs 8 drm carp close in near some cover on worm before switching to his other line at 13m to catch two tench also on worm for 10lb 3ozs 8 drms later in the match.
Adrian Smith - Tench - North House Match
Steve Lathwell - Carp - North House Match
Adrian Smith - Eel - North House Match
Venue Maintenance
Roger Bland the Lavendon bailiff sent me a before photo, showing Lavendon downstream, like a jungle, followed by 3 photos of after he and Bob Burdiak strimmed it. It will also get another haircut just before the season starts. Thanks to both Roger and Bob for getting this done!
Lavendon Downstream - Before
Lavendon Downstream - After
Lavendon Downstream - After
If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered in to our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports.

Tight Lines Until Next Week!
Dave M
Luton AC

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