Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 21st April 2019

Photo received from the bailiffs at Kempston Lake Unfortunately people still think it's OK to leave rubbish, 2 bottles of water, half tin sweetcorn, pot noodles an a nice bag of s*@! even though there are two toilets on site! How is this acceptable, we have already given life bans during this season and don't need anglers like this as members, please join another club! The bailiffs will be logging members details and taking photos going forward to try to catch the culprits as this has proved successful this season. Many thanks to the majority of good anglers who continue to take theirs and others rubbish home its much appreciated.

Tim Grover landed his new Grand Union Canal personal best at 25lb 5oz 

Jamie Gladish managed a couple of Grand Union Canal mirrors from Grove. The lovely fully scaled is one of the 3000 stockies LAC stocked at Grove & the Globe 7yrs ago at 2-3" which appear to be doing well. Due to the environment they live in some of the canal carp can end up looking rather the worse for wear as is the case with the other mirror Jamie caught. Treated with a carp care kit these damaged fish very often make a full recovery though.

Dexter & Florence fished the Grand Union Canal with their dad and each caught a brace of lovely perch. Struggling on maggot & failing to catch anything on the whip they changed to worm on the tip for Dexter and worm on the float for Florence which were both winning tactics. They used Mark Pollards/Hinders supercharged natural black as a carrier for the chopped worm towards the far side of the canal.

Brad William Evan-Hart tempted Pecs at 30lb caught at sunset on an Establend pop up on a stiff hinge rig

Andrew Harris banked The Wanderer at 27lb.

Thanks to Gavin Jones for sending in photos of one of the stockies caught Saturday morning. Weighing in at 9lb 6oz this mirror was stocked at 6lb 12oz on 5/10/17 an increase of 39% in 18 months. If you do catch any stockies please take the time to weigh and photograph both sides so we can log their progress, many thanks.

Steve Brown had the pike known as Yellow Spot at 22lb which was Steves first pike!

Jack Vieira also had a pike which went 17lb 6oz.

Ed Weatherill landed mirrors of 24lb 10oz & 20lb 6oz which followed a 17lber during the night.

Mark Austin had a lovely 20lb common during a evening session.

Neil Cox 16-08 common off the top at Beckerings Reservoir sadly this fish already had someones rig in its mouth as the lead clip rubber had been pushed on too tight plus a hook in its tail!

Nicholas Goodman moved onto showing fish and caught a 20lb 1oz common.

Just another reminder that your membership book isn't valid unless it has your photo ID. This has been the case for quite a few years now and is aimed at eliminating fraud which we know used to happen with alarming regularity with books being passed around between friends & family. Losing membership income means less being spent on stock fish, upkeep of the waters and leads to higher membership fees etc. Bailiffs are even this morning still finding anglers without photo ID and you will most likely be asked to leave the venue, your details passed to the disciplinary committee and receive a subsequent lengthy ban from the club.
To make it even easier for the new season the photo ID will be on the front cover. Many thanks to the vast majority of members who are able to follow this very simple rule and to those that can't then please join another club.


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