Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 25th August 2019


Robert Barry Hall caught Donkey Head at 32lb 4oz

Thomas Caruso had a 30lb 8oz mirror

Phil & Callum Anderson managed 8 carp to 21lb during their latest session at Beckerings Reservoir with each catching the same heavily scaled mirror just hours apart.

Jamie Gladish a 17lb 6oz common

Darren Richards caught a big catfish that tipped the scales at 61lb from Beckerings Reservoir. It took over half an hour to land and was caught along with 4 carp between 17-20lb

A member found a seemingly unconscious Kingfisher in the Beckerings Reservoir car park. A quick trip to the local vet and the little guy was given a clean bill (excuse the pun!) of health. An hour or so after being found he was released back at the reservoir seemingly none the worse for his strange accident.

Matthew Gillson a 28lb 4oz common

Dean Brittain a 22lb common off the top

An email received yesterday isn't printable in its unedited form and was far from polite about the moron who decided it was ok to go for a dump no more than 30m from the serviced toilet leaving toilet paper strewn everywhere!!
This puts the whole facility at risk of being closed to fishing so members are urged to come forward with any information as to who did this as a LIFE BAN is waiting for them.
Any information will be treated with strict confidence. The bailiff team have narrowed the mindless moron down to just a couple of people.

LAVENDON MILL - we have been advised that the lock is not being used correctly and being locked on the chain above the farm lock this is preventing other users (the farmer and stable owners) access. Please be aware that where more than one lock is fitted to a chain that both are likely in use. Please ensure you do not bypass the other lock.


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