Luton Angling Club Weekly News Report for the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire & St Neots Cambridgeshire Area - Week Ending 2nd June 2024

Here is the weekly catch reports, news and information round up from Luton Angling Club.
On Saturday we welcomed all our new members for the 2024/25 season. We look forward to seeing catch reports from them.

Our Bailiffs and work party volunteers have started getting the river sections ready for the start of the river season on 16th June.

At Wyboston, Myself, Fergal O'Kane, Bob Burdiak, Roger Bland, Neville Hunt, Barry Stevenson, Adrian Smith, Dennis Vivian, David Nicholson and Brian Turner strimmed and cleared swims all along the river. Work party catering was very kindly provided and prepared by Andy Smith and the volunteer team had delicious burgers, bacon rolls, tea and coffee, cold drinks and afterwards some sweet treats including flapjacks and millionaires shortbread. Thanks to Andy and all the work party volunteers that came to help on Sunday morning. The river is looking fantastic!
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
Wyboston - River Ouse
After the Wyboston work party Lavendon bailiff Roger went straight over to Lavendon Mill and he strimmed all of upstream. He also created a few more swims. We now have 28 swims instead of the 24 we had last year. 19 of these are in the first 2 fields, so not too far to walk from our car park. He's also going to make sure downstream is also strimmed again before the start of the season.
Lavendon Mill - River Ouse
Lavendon Mill - River Ouse
Lavendon Mill - River Ouse
Glen and Stewart have been busy at Eaton Ford and Glen said that its ready to go, for those that recall our previous post a few months back after we had the tree work carried out they have put right the muddy mess in the car park that was caused by the machinery from what I saw you wouldn't ever know it had happened. The venue looks great.

South Lagoon
The lagoon is fishing very well at the moment, Paul Webb had two tench up to 5lb 13oz from South Lagoon at Wyboston. Unfortunately, no one was around to take a picture of the first fish.
Paul Webb - South Lagoon
Mason Lanigan had his first ever Tench. It was 7lb 15oz, and he was using 8lb line on a small leger boom on a running rig.
Mason Lanigan - South Lagoon
Mason Lanigan - South Lagoon
Paul Lockey had a great days fishing on a day ticket. He commented that it is a great fishery will definitely be back soon. The Tench went 6lb 8oz.
Paul Lockey - South Lagoon
Paul Lockey - South Lagoon
Paul Lockey - South Lagoon
Beckerings Reservoir
When I visited the reservoir on Friday night to change the locks on the gate and toilet, a member had just returned one of the catfish which weighed 60lb, It put up a good fight for 45 minutes. 

Even though there was a cold northerly wind on Friday night Carlo Borromeo managed to catch 3 carp to 20lb on his usual mad baits.
Carlo Borromeo - Beckerings
New club member Andrew Page fished the reservoir for the very first time on Saturday and had 10 big bream on the method feeder and 6mm yellow wafters, he had a great days fishing!

Amer Jawad had a 3lb 12oz Ide, he lost another at the net which looked slightly bigger, he was using shallow waggler and casters
Amer Jawad, Ide - Beckerings
Steve Emery probably had his best ever day on Beckerings with Mirrors of 27.8lbs, 25.6lbs, 23.11lbs & commons of 27.2lbs, 22lbs, 19lbs, 17lbs, 15lbs. All caught from the margins. Unfortunately there is no photo of the 27.2lbs common because his camera let him down and didn’t work.
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
Steve Emery - Beckerings
North House Lake
Wyboston bailiffs Brian and Barry and Brian's son Kieran did a social on North House, Brian had this stunning mirror which he previously had in March at 27lb the fish has since put on a couple more pounds as when weighed it was a healthy 29lb on the nose. Maybe getting ready to spawn. Kieran had a lovely 14lb common, unfortunately for Barry after hooking a big mirror and playing it for about 15 minutes and all the hard work getting it out of lily pads and tree roots the hook pulled right at the net.
Brian Turner - NHL Mirror
Brian Turner - NHL Mirror
Kieran Turner - NHL Common
At first light on Sunday morning, Daniel Keefe had a screaming take from a hard fighting North House Lake common weighing 26lb
Daniel Keefe - NHL Common
Daniel Keefe - NHL Common
Grand Union Canal
Fergal O'Kane fished the canal on Saturday evening and after trying various new fangled lures and getting a couple of follows on plastic lures, he tried an old fashioned mepps spinner and had a 39cm perch.
Fergal O'Kane - GUC Perch

Alders Farm Open Day
On Saturday 1st June Alders Farm fishery at Brickhill held their open day with many trade exhibitors like Guru, Colmic, Garbolino, Fjuka baits and others in attendance.
The day, for 1st June was unseasonably cool, and a brisk breeze made it feel very cold at times. Junior Teams from Luton Angling Club competed in the match run by CRT, which had 8 local club teams participating, and the Luton Coaches assisted by our coaching friends from Reading & District Angling Club ran the ‘Lets Fish’ event on Mylo’s pool.
Our teams had 3 of our Juniors in each, Luton Red and Luton Blue performed well in the competition, and Kayden fishing for CRT Select also did well.
Cody Partridge took third place overall with Luton Red and Blue teams coming 3rd and 4th out of 8 teams in the competition. Kayden with CRT Select also did well and his team managed to edge into second place. Very well done to all our young anglers who fished, they really are a talented bunch, getting better all the time.
Kayden, had a great day as having been to a coaching day with Tommy Pickering last autumn, he managed to track Tommy down on the Fjuka baits stand and get him to sign his book and even got a picture.
The Lets Fish event went well, everyone who attended catching fish, and some great feedback being received from those who gave it a go.
We have a good number of enquiries from prospective young anglers wishing to become junior kingfisher members and join our coaching program.
Alders Farm Open Day
Alders Farm Open Day
Alders Farm Open Day
Alders Farm Open Day
Alders Farm Open Day
Alders Farm Open Day - Kayden with Tommy Pickering
Wednesday Match Report 29th May 24
Dani’s Lake, How End
Fourteen Anglers met in the car park at How End this week on a morning that was warm but overcast.
After the soaking we all got last week on the canal we were all glad that the thunderstorms had disappeared from the forecast, but the sky did look quite ominous at times. We had a fitful breeze blowing, however It stayed warm and dry during our match, the temperature ending up at a pleasant 18C.
Jim Tookey drew permanent peg 20, which had the breeze blowing into the peg. Jim started on a method feeder to the island and took a couple of fish early, while he primed a top 3 pole line, which he fished using paste over 4mm fishery pellet. He couldn’t get away from the silvers here and Jim didn’t get the peg going until the last couple of hours when he opted to fish in the margin line where he took Carp steadily, using fishery pellet. While he didn’t get any big carp a steady stream of fish in the 4 -5lb range saw him finish with 96lb 2oz and first place.
Steve Lathwell on peg 11 went out on a method feeder early which didn’t prove very productive, so he went down the margin and started getting a few, and started to enjoy himself. He ended up second with 87lb 9oz Steve’s bait for the method was fishery pellet 50/50 with envy method mix and a 5mm critical pineapple wafter, while in the margin he used 4mm Pellet over micros’ 11
Richard Darbon came in third and took most of his catch just short of the island in about 2 feet of water on a method feeder, using soaked 4mm pellets with casters on a short 4in size 16 hook links. Later, he used his pole in the margin using caster and maggots, but his day was marred when unhooking his last fish at the whistle a pole section disappeared into the water. Richard weighed 71lb 14oz.
Fourth was Richard Gibbs who fed 3 lines, one either side close in and one at 13metres with pellet and maggot. He started on a small feeder down the edge and had some skimmers and a few carp. When that slowed, he had a look at 13 meters on the pole, but only got 1 carp and small silvers. Changing to 2 + 1 pole sections on the nearside he found this more productive and had more carp and a lot of silvers, (he weighed over 14lbs of silvers in his total) and pretty much stayed on this for the rest of the day. Most of his fish came to dead reds, his favourite bait at this venue finishing with 68lb 2oz.
Many thanks to Phil and Pip at How End, and all the team who willingly help with the admin on our matches especially Tracy who helped with the weigh in and keeps our Hot Fishin league up to date.

1st Jim Tookey 96lb 2oz
2nd Steve Lathwell 87lb 9oz
3rd Richard Darbon 71lb 14oz
4th Richard Gibbs 68lb 2oz
5th Bart Bonito 64lb 14oz
6th David Ridley 59lb 0oz
7th Andy Frankum 50lb 7oz
8th Simon Faulks 49lb 3oz
9th Les Burton 27lb 12oz
10th Sean Leatherland 27lb 5oz
11th Dennis Hunt 26lb 2oz
12th Andy Norgate 19lb 14oz
13th Ray Burton 13lb 2oz
14th Adrian Smith 12lb 1oz
Our next Match is on Wednesday 5th June and is on South Lagoon, Wyboston. Swims 1-17 will be closed on the 5th June for this match and must be vacated by 07:30am on the 5th - other swims remain open for members and day/night ticket anglers,
Draw 8.30 at the venue, Venue peg fee, £5-00 optional pools £1.00 Wednesday peg fee, fish 10am till 3pm.
For anyone thinking of joining us for the first time can we ask you message us so we know you are coming before turning up, as we need to ensure we have room as this will allow us to better manage the pegging.
You will be asked to produce your new Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.
How End - Wednesday Match
How End - Wednesday Match

If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered in to our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports.

Tight Lines Until Next Week!
Dave M
Luton AC

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