Here is this the latest news information and catch report round up from Luton Angling Club.
There has been very little to report since Christmas therefore we haven't had a weekly report since before Christmas. This will be the first report of 2025 so Happy New Year to all our members.
With the recent cold snap, our still waters have been frozen, North House Lake and South Lagoon being both fully frozen over. Beckerings is fishable at the moment with only the car park end pegs 24 round to Peg 2 frozen over. We're keeping members updated on conditions as they change via posts on our Facebook page.
South Lagoon |
Beckerings Reservoir |
The Rivers have fined down nicely with bailiffs reporting that the river at Wyboston is looking OK it still has a good bit of flow and coloured but is fishable. The same story at Biddenham. |
River at Biddenham |
During the icy weather please take extra care as things can get slippery under foot on platforms, bridges, pathways and in our car parks.At Beckerings on a cold Wednesday bailiff Mark Sessions fished the feeder using a 4lb hooklink and size 16 hook with 3 pinkies and although not his target he managed two Commons the biggest was 17lb 4oz and the other around 14lb.
Mark Sessions-Beckerings |
Mark Sessions-Beckerings |
Club coach Mark Brooks was also at Beckerings on Saturday with one of our young Kingfisher members, the aim was for Jack to learn how to fish the slider, it was a cold afternoon and the reservoir was partially frozen but that didn't put them off and they had a good coaching session.
That's all we have for now, please do send in any catch reports as they are few and far between at this time of year so we really appreciate any reports at all even if you don't catch anything it's good to get venue condition reports!
Tight Lines,
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