Luton Angling Club - News, Information and Catch Report Round Up - Covering 22/9/2024 - 29/9/2024

Here is the latest news information and catch report round up from Luton Angling Club, Apologies for the lack of report last week as I was away. This report covers the week ending 22nd September and this week ending 29th September 2024.

Extreme weather conditions in the last week have meant that many of our waters have been in flood, As I write this report all our river sections are still in flood and unfishable. After the torrential downpours access to Beckerings was impossible for a while as the very small brook along the track became a river and burst its banks which I have never seen before. The water is also well up beyond the car park at Biddenham.

We also had to close North House Lake on Saturday as the track and car park was under around 2-3ft of water. Thankfully the levels dropped overnight Saturday and North House is now safely accessible again, Although the levels are high on the South Lagoon bailiff Brian reports a few anglers were not put off and were catching!  Please keep an eye on weather reports and also the river levels if fishing at North House as further rain could see the levels rising again.
Wyboston Flooding
Wyboston Flooding
Biddenham Track and Gate Flooded
Before the bad weather a number of anglers were out on the bank and we have had a number of catch reports which we are very grateful for.

Lavendon Mill
On Monday 16th, Grayson White fished for a few hours at Lavendon and caught loads of different species, He even had a pike on double maggot.
Grayson White - Lavendon Mill
Lee Waring fished the upstream section at Lavendon after the big perch, he was using a 2" Lure he ended up catching eight pike which ranged from 4 to 10lb.
Lee Waring Pike from Lavendon
Lee Waring Pike from Lavendon
Lee Waring Pike from Lavendon
Wyboston River Ouse
Club Bailiff Brian Turner had a lovely few hours on the river at Wyboston with the other two bailiffs Andy and Barry. He had a good mixed bag of roach and rudd all using wheat as hook bait and loose feeding hemp they all really enjoyed it.
Brian Turner - Wyboston River Ouse
Brian Turner - Wyboston River Ouse
Brian Turner - Wyboston River Ouse
Neville Hunt had a mixed bag from the river at Biddenham. He said it was nice to catch a few small bream. The session started out well with bright and sunny conditions but turned stormy around 2 pm. He had a visit from Terry one of the bailiffs who made a dash for the car park when the heavy rain started.
Storm at Biddenham
Neville Hunt - Bream from Biddenham
Janusz Chrzaszcz had a cat of 54lb while fishing at Beckerings with his son. It was caught legering a ball of lobworms during the storm.A big thank you to the chap that helped him handle it and get photos.
Janusz Chrzaszcz - Beckerings Catfish
Janusz Chrzaszcz - Beckerings Catfish
People pay a lot of money for lake exclusives, but that's what Graham Warner had on Friday at Beckerings. It was just him, the lake and lots of rain. After battling with a few bream and a roach that wanted an 18mm boilie, he managed to get this beauty just shy of 19lb
Graham Warner - Beckerings
North House Lake
Harry Auburn had two carp from North House Lake. The fish in the daytime shot was 17lbs 3 oz. The one in the night shot was 21lbs.
Harry Auburn - North House Lake
Harry Auburn - North House Lake
Harry Auburn - North House Lake
Harry Auburn - North House Lake
Graham Crow braved the extreme weather conditions and did Thursday night on North House and had a 19lb 8oz Common. He said the storm during the night was quite exciting, and fortunately, he left just in time and didn't get trapped by the rising river levels.
Graham Crow - North House Lake
Grand Union Canal
Due to the flooding at Wyboston, Bill Ridgway and Steve Murrel had to change their original plan, so they chose to try somewhere they hadn't been before. They fished the canal on section 11 near Bridge 120 at Slapton and are happy to report that they had a rewarding session. All the fish were taken on 2 red maggots whilst float fishing.
Grand Union Canal
Grand Union Canal
Neville Hunt fished the canal this weekend making the most of the lovely sunny day on Saturday. He caught 2 Perch at 2Ib each and 7 good size Bream up to 3Ib. All were caught on worm and caster.
Neville Hunt - Bream from the GUC
Neville Hunt - Perch from the GUC
Unable to fish the rivers due to the flooding, Lee Waring has been fishing on the Grand Union Canal this week, he has had several large Bream and Perch, the biggest of the Perch are pictured here, the last one he had tipped the scales at 2lb 9oz. All fish caught on float or legered worms.
Lee Waring Perch - Grand Union Canal
Lee Waring Perch - Grand Union Canal
Lee Waring Perch - Grand Union Canal
2024 CRT National Celebration of young people and fishing.
Our club coaches, and our Kingfishers attended the CRT National Celebration on 14th & 15th September, this is the largest event of its kind for young anglers in the country, and was held on the Shropshire Union Canal.
The weekend was a triumph of organisation for John Ellis and the CRT Fisheries team despite the fickle Shropshire weather, which was lovely on Saturday but verging on monsoon conditions on Sunday!
There were 356 young anglers aged between 6 and 18 competing over the two days, Cadets (6-10) with Youth (16-18) on Saturday and Young Junior (11-13) and Junior (14- 16) on Sunday.
Luton AC had young anglers entered in all except the Youth Category. Our club Kingfisher anglers really turned in a superb performance and they should feel very proud of themselves, as they were fishing against some of the best young anglers in the country, many who were quite local and knew the water much better than we did.
All our anglers came away with certificates, medals, and prizes, including the best of all the coveted 2024 Gudgeon mug sponsored by Guru, as they all caught a Gudgeon.
On Saturday our Team of Cadets fished for 3 hours and Max, Leo and Alex all won mugs inside the first 10 minutes, the Luton Perch Poachers going on to finish with a team weigh of 2.09Kg and 14th place out of 44 teams, a brilliant result. Leo took individual 14th place out of the 121 who competed, a superb effort and very well done Leo.
We also renewed acquaintance with Hugo and his sister Olive, and Becky their Mum, old friends who used to fish with us before moving to Yorkshire. They were fishing for the Yorkshire academy team this year.
The prizes and medals were presented at the HQ, Harper Adams University by Current Ladies world Feeder Champion Samantha Simm. and bronze medal winner Kayliegh Dowd. The first five individual places at this event were won by girls, a terrific result.
On Sunday the weather was far from kind. It was cold, and the rain, which was torrential at times, continued for most of the day.
Even with the poor weather and some of getting a challenging draw, the Kingfishers persevered and turned in some great performances.
Our young Junior team the Luton Imps, Dexter, Tristan and Lilly Mae, weighed 2.93 Kilo to storm into 7th position out of the 32 teams. Dexter was individual 24th out of 91, and despite being limited to a 4 Metre pole length he kept on feeding fish while everyone else went long to finish with a creditable 920 grms and a high section place.
We had two full Junior Teams, Luton Lock Lads and Luton Bagging Boys fishing on Sunday. The Lock Lads, Jack, Louis and Daniel weighed 2.37 Kg to come 14th out of 41 with Louis taking individual 25th place out of 120.
The Bagging Boys, Kayden, Indy and Dylan took 32nd place out of 41, another tremendous performance, which could well have been higher with better draws, but that’s fishing.
The prizes on Sunday were again presented at Harper Adams by Kayliegh Dowd, assisted by Charlie Drinkwater, the current England under 15 Captain, who had competed and only managed 500grm, an indication of how hard the canal fished and of how well our Luton lads performed as many beat his weight!
A tremendous thank you from the Club and the coaches must go to our young anglers and their parents, (many of whom were extremely wet on Sunday) for their unfailing support, as without your involvement none of this would have been possible. It was great to see the smiles from anglers and parents coming off the bank over the weekend, especially those who were very wet on Sunday, it’s been a great achievement, you all did Luton A/C proud, thank you.
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
CRT Celebration Event 2024
Lets Fish Daiwa ‘ Global Communities’ event.
It’s been fantastic this week because so many of the young Luton anglers who performed so well in the CRT Celebration a week ago have received their invitations to take part in the Lets Fish Daiwa ‘ Global Communities’ event held on the Shropshire Union on 19th October.
As well as the teams representing the home nations, young people with ancestral connections from nations from all over the world take part to represent their communities in this ‘Global Communities’ Celebration.
Daiwa are aiming to have as many overseas communities represented as possible, and ideally each community will be represented by a team of three participants.
There is an opening ceremony with a parade held on the day of the celebration, where at least three members of each global community will be invited to carry a national flag.
This is a fantastic event sponsored by Daiwa who provide a lot of superb prizes and goodie bags for those taking part, and our Luton anglers have done extremely well in previous years, and we know they will do the same again this year.
Daiwa Global Communities Event - 19.10.2024
Match Report 25th September Three Locks Upper
Well, what a week!
This week we had intended to fish Beckerings but with the water levels low making access difficult, we had switched to the GUC at the Globe. However, after the very heavy rain at the weekend when the Globe pub and the car park were inundated, we had another quick change of plan and switched to the Three Locks, section 4.
Some members found even this difficult because of the roads that were flooded around Bedford, but we managed 14 on the bank including Dudley Frankland out for the first time in a few months after a major heart operation, great to see you back Dudley.
The weather although overcast to start turned out to be a lovely Autumn Day. Everyone stayed dry for once although the gathering clouds at the end of the match meant we didn’t take any pictures as everyone wanted to get packed up and off the bank before the rain started. Tracy said she had never seen everyone pack up so quickly (except Chris Howard of course).
First place this week was taken by Sean Leatherland, who caught a few small roach at 3 meters using pinkies over groundbait in the first hour, and then switched to 10.5 metres and caught small skimmers, roach and a bonus perch to over a just pound on caster taking 5lb 12oz. Sean reported loosing a very large fish just after he switched to caster.
Second man Barry Roper found his swim had a lot of small fish in it making it impossible to fish chopped worm, as it was constantly being ragged by small fish including Gudgeon half the size of the worm! He decided to get his head down on the small fish eventually catching a total of 77 fish, a mix of roach, perch and skimmers at 6m on pinkie to finish with 5lb 9oz.
Third placed Simon Foulkes fished at 13m pinkie over ground bait and dead pinkies for skimmers and perch, but as this line slowed, he added another section to his pole and fished tight over on worm taking small perch before a decent one weighing 1lb 14oz arrived. He finished with a weight of 5lb 5oz.
Ray Burton who ran the match this week would like to thank Simon Foulkes for volunteering to do the pegging and Tracy for helping him weigh in everyone at the end.
1st Sean Leatherland 5lb 12oz
2nd Barry Roper 5lb 9oz
3rd Simon Foulkes 5lb 5oz
4th Chris Howard 3lb 4oz
5th Steve Lathwell 3lb 0oz
6th Dudley Frankland 2lb 12oz
7th Tim Watts 2pb 11oz
8th Keith Ward 2lb 7oz
9th Dave Smith 2lb 6oz
10thAndy Frankum 2lb 1oz
11th Colin Holmes 1lb 6oz
12th Terry Vickers 1lb 3oz
13th Malcolm Ogden 0lb 14oz
14th Ray Burton 0lb 4oz
Our next Match is on Wednesday 4th October and was scheduled to be on the river at Lavendon, but with the river in flood and levels rising this is being relocated to the Grand Union Canal-Section 3 Three Locks Lower
Draw 8.30 at the venue, £5.00 optional pools £1.00 Wednesday peg fee, fish 10am till 3pm.
For anyone thinking of joining us for the first time can we ask you message us so we know you are coming before turning up, as we need to ensure we have room as this will allow us to better manage the pegging.
You will be asked to produce your Club book at first appearance, so please have it with you.
Three Locks Upper - Wednesday Match
Match report from Wednesday 18th September - GUC at Slapton.
I just found this match report lurking in my inbox - It is the Wednesday match group report for the match on the 18th September, Apologies for the delay in posting.
The Wednesday match on the 18th September saw the LAC match group return to the GUC canal at Slapton.
The canal had some good colour but dispute that, the known head of bream did not show. Therefore, for most, it was a close match with plenty of bites from small fish.
This week's winner was the on-form Simon Foulkes. Having drawn Peg 3 near the large tree, Simon primed a feeder line but started fishing the pole at 13m where he caught 20 small roach and perch. A change to the feeder line after 2 hrs resulted in a 4lb 2oz bream but with no others showing, Simon switched back to his pole line to catch a few more small fish for a winning weight of 5lb 8ozs 8drm,
Second was the ever solid Sean Leatherland. Drawing Peg 1, Sean caught small roach at 3m on pinkie over groundbait before switching to his 11m line where he fed caster and caught mainly roach with caster and red maggot hookbaits. Sean's total weight was 4lb 12ozs 8drms.
Tim Watts was third. Tim caught the majority of his 93 small roach for 4lb 4ozs fishing pinkie at 14m.
Wednesday Match 18th September
Wednesday Match 18th September
Match Results from 18th September

John Morris Memorial Match - 6th October 2024
We are concerned about the John Morris Memorial Match scheduled for 6th October at Biddenham, the water must be in the car park by now and the river is still rising, all the bridges in the local.area are flooded and even if the levels go down the car park is going to be very muddy and unsuitable for the vehicles..Our match secretary Dennis Hunt is closely monitoring the situation and will make a decision nearer the time. Watch our social media pages for updates on this and other club events.

If you would like to send us a catch report from a Luton AC Water you can send reports and pictures via our facebook page and other social media accounts, the club website or via what’s app message to 07940 229071. Don’t forget every picture we receive is automatically entered in to our monthly photo prize which is judged by the committee and you could win £25.00. It’s not always the biggest fish that wins so well worth sending in any of your catch reports.

Tight Lines Until Next Week!
Dave M
Luton AC

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